Hey folks! I kept trying to make up my mind about the content for my first blog post. And after a lot of thinking, I’ve decided to introduce you my most precious gift: baby Levi. He was born in Brazil on January 21st. I’ve been meaning to write about how motherhood has been with this baby, but every time I sit down to blog, before I get my thoughts together, Levi is up from his nap, and I have to prepare his lunch, or change his diaper, or nurse. It has taken me nine months to write about how life has changed after Levi was born. Too long. But here it is.
Despite of all the beauty and fun, motherhood is tough and it’s draining at times. But it’s also so so good. Some would say “you have it so easy since you only have one”, but you guys, I got pregnant with Levi when I was in China, I lost my job, moved to the States, then went to Brazil to have the baby and finally settled down in Connecticut. Too many changes in such a short period of time. I don’t remember having time to just let all sink in. I do recall praying and hoping for a good delivery and transition. A few weeks after Levi was born I found myself wearing pj’s around the house at 4pm, trying to take a nap while having lullaby songs stuck in my head. Suddenly I ask myself: what is this, and how did it happen? I never answered those questions. I didn’t have the time then, I just needed a nap.
I went into labor at 40 weeks + 1 day. We didn’t know what we were having, needless to say I was more than ready to meet my little bundle. I was in active labor for 12 hours and Levi was born naturally. My heart gets overwhelmed with joy when I think of the first time I saw his face and held him close to my chest. Dave was saying “it’s a boy!”, tears were flowing, the nurses were cheering and I remember my doctor fixing his eyes on me and my baby with the sweetest smile on his face. What a sweet doctor I had, he was an angel. He stayed at the hospital for hours, checking in on me. He gave me tea, prepared me a warm shower, offered me food, brought nurses into the room to teach David how to give me massages to ease the discomfort… well, the list goes on. He was wonderful and for that I’m thankful.
Throughout the whole process, my husband was the one who encouraged me to keep going, he saw my pain and took the initiative to go through it with me. He didn’t eat all day (poor thing), he would hold my hand during each contraction, kiss me when I thought I could bear it no more. We prayed together and shared the same excitement, the same anticipation. We were going to meet our baby. I couldn’t have done it without David. He was patient, loving, caring and so so thoughtful. Much to my disbelief I was able to give birth to a baby with little to no intervention. And here he is, making life fly by, giving me some sleepless nights (not too many thankfully), transforming who we are. This small miracle he is, turned our lives upside down and we love it.
My baby boy is almost 10 months old now. At this very moment he’s napping in the ergobaby, strapped around my waist. I type while he breaths close to my chin and gets all snuggly next to me. He’s been crawling all over the house now. He says “ball”, “dada” and “mama”. Baby Levi is the sweetest thing and I love him so much!
Bruna Masalin