Teething like crazy. I wish you could slow down baby Lara. Even though you cried all day today, I’m blessed to be your mama. You bring light to our days. My little “boneca”.
Flipped the calendar, it’s March… it’s March. My favorite Brazilian bossa is called “Águas de Março”, it means waters of March. It talks about the end of summer and the promise of new life in one’s heart. March represents the beginning of Spring to me now, but those lyrics still speak so much truth to my heart. There are signs of new life in every corner. The waters of March are closing a page in our lives here in the US. This winter was indeed long, but Spring is near and I feel hopeful. So hopeful.
This boy is full of emotions. I pray for wisdom everyday as I raise him. What a privilege it is to be the one who will guide him through life. Staying home with this little guy has been both a blessing and a challenge. Not everyday is perfect and ordinary. We have our moments. I like to say being Levi’s mom has brought me closer to God, because I have to go back to Scriptures several times a day as I deal with situations that are completely new to me. Though some days are hard, Levi brings me more joy than words can describe, the kind I don’t deserve, but God gives me anyways. He loves shapes. He’s saying ovaaaal!
My baking corner. This is my happy place 🙂
Watching a show for a few minutes while I make his smoothie. Right before we decided to go play outside and talk about fire-trucks. His favorite subject.
Worn shoes. Levi, you are always exploring. Stay curious, my boy!
Built his tower for him so he could come upstairs and be surprised. He destroyed it as soon as he saw it.
I snuck those nasty peas into Levi’s smoothie. They taste awful. I should find other ways to make his smoothies taste a little better and still be as healthy. A clean kitchen after a long day.
Ready for distruction.
These movable alphabets are amazing! The only thing not so fun about them is when your three year old dumps all the letters on the floor and you have to go on a scavenger hunt to find them. Still, seriously amazing. Montessori material for homeschool is always so useful.
Less is more 🙂
One of Levi’s firetrucks. His current favorite. The dinosaurs attacked the cars earlier and sounded pretty serious.
He grabs that guitar and pretends he’s a rock star. Everyday. Dave’s favorite band called Greta Van Fleet has stolen my son’s heart.
A piece of quiet in the midst of a thunderstorm. I remain thankful for even the hard days, for they help me shift my priorities. My babies need me, just me, my whole me. Fully present with them. All the other things can wait. All of my hobbies and things that are so dear to my heart… they can wait too. I will always find time for them after the storm is over. But while rain is pouring, and by that I mean tears (lots of tears), my heart needs to belong with these little ones. Only through His grace I am able to mother these kids with wisdom. Through tantrums and sometimes lack of sleep.
Less of myself, more of Him.
It’s so humbling to walk through motherhood with biblical perspective. I fail, get up and pray. I plant seeds into their little hearts, choosing to love like Jesus, a selfless love only He is able to place in my heart. Tomorrow is a new day. Finally, I’m thankful for the life I’ve been given. All of these photos are due to His faithfulness.
What amazing grace this is… His mercies are new every morning.
Bruna Masalin