Kids are in bed, so this is the perfect time to share a simple DIY project here. I’d been thinking of ways to gift friends this season without breaking the bank, and these seem to be just the perfect gift. Handmade presents are truly special and say a lot about your heart. My heart at the moment finds joy in taking care of my family and every corner of our humble home. It starts with the dishwasher running in the morning as we start our daily routine, the cold breeze entering through our back door every morning as I open it to sweep all the dust outside. Taking care of a home is a job that brings me much reward. I notice my kids are more peaceful when there’s less clutter. I also find it so important for Levi to watch me care for our house and understand the importance of staying grateful for what God provides.
I wish you could smell our dining room right now, it smells like fresh honey and pine trees. The kind of thing that brings us all much joy. Even to the kids. Levi smelled one of the candles today and went “hmmm”, he appreciates it. I love walking through our dining room as I work on different things around the house during the day, it makes this place feel even more alive.
Well… let’s get to work. Making these is quite simple. Here’s what you need to make twenty candles:
- 10 beeswax sheets (each sheet should measure approx. 8 1/8″ x 16 3/4″) – I got mine at Amazon here.
- About 12 feet of wick
- Scissors that you don’t care about much (because they are going to get sticky)
- Natural twine for decorating
Before starting, there’s a simple tip I learned from Laura (We Made This Home) that’s very important: keep your hands warm when working with the sheets. They don’t do well on cold counter tops, or low temperatures. Some people use a hairdryer to keep the sheets and their hands warm, I used a mug filled with hot cocoa, because well, it’s almost Christmas and hot cocoa seemed fitting. It worked really well and none of the sheets broke or cracked.
This is what I did: I cut every sheet in half, each half makes one candle. You start by cutting the wick slightly longer than the candle length. Place the wick at the edge of the sheet and tightly fold it before rolling it. Be sure there is enough wick at the top of the candle for quick and easy lighting.
With the palms of your hand roll in a cradling motion. As you roll, feel far any unevenness and continuing rolling firmly but gently until all the candle is rolled up tight. Press the edges gently if necessary so the candles stays firm together. Some people roll it on glitter to give it a shiny touch, I like them simple and sweet.
I’m not the best at doing tutorials, but if you found this helpful, please pin these images to your Pinterest boards and spread the love!
If you missed where to buy the sheets and wick, click here.
If you love this and would like to see more, just follow me on Instagram and don’t forget to say hi!
With love,
Bruna Masalin